Studying Abroad at Oxford University: A Guide
Hi, fellow mariners! Today, I'm happy to introduce you to a new blogger who's doing something that I always wanted to do--study abroad at Oxford University. Sara from Sara Laughed is enjoying her year in England and blogging about all of it before she returns to her home university in Massachusetts at the end of this school year.
I asked her to share what it's like to live and study at the English speaking world's oldest institute of higher learning. Enjoy!

Hi friends! My name is Sara and I blog over at
about college life, love, and travel. I'm a current college student studying abroad at Oxford University. Since Natalie studied abroad in London while she was in college, she reached out and asked me to share with you some details of my time at Oxford.
I hope this gives you the chance to live vicariously through my experience and get a little glimpse of what makes Oxford so magical!
It was a snowy morning in Massachusetts when I found out I'd been accepted to Oxford for my year abroad. I was thrilled, and I called my parents and danced around my room in my pajamas.
On the one hand, I had wanted nothing more than to get into this program, to live abroad and to experience a new university and a new culture.
On the other, I was completely terrified.
I had no idea what Oxford would hold in store for me, and whether I could handle the pressure of a new university, in a new country, on another continent.
It turns out I had nothing to worry about. I have loved almost everything about my time at Oxford, which has been about six months now.
Being a Junior Year Abroad student means that I straddle the awkward line between resident and tourist. I still experience everything with fresh eyes, but I've lived here long enough to know the streets and shops and to have a regular routine.
Thinking of going abroad in college? Here’s what I wish I knew before studying abroad in London!
Today, I'd like to share with you how Oxford looks through my, still new, eyes - here are 5 things I love about Oxford.
5 // The colleges

The Bridge of Sighs, part of Hertford College
Oxford is visually breathtaking. The university is the oldest in the English-speaking world, and because its colleges date in their origins between 1249 and 2008 (yes, really!), they features a huge variety of architectural styles. As a student, my university ID lets me into most of the colleges without trouble, meaning that I can attend Evensong services in Christ Church or go to my tutorial at Pembroke College, even though my own college is quite a walk away. I love that the college system gives students so much variety in what they can experience and explore.
4 // The libraries

The Harris Manchester library.
The Oxford library system is absolutely
. The Bodleian Libraries include a total of 40 different libraries all around the city, with over 11 million books and printed items. Many of the libraries are also incredibly beautiful, internally or externally. Knowing that I have so much knowledge at my fingertips is amazing, and for a nerd like me, it's heaven!
3 // The covered market
The Covered Market is a historic market near the center of Oxford with lots of little independent shops and cafés. The shops range from flower stores to a hat shop, and include a butcher and plenty of places to sit down for tea (or coffee, if that's your beverage of choice) or have lunch. I have a favorite café with both indoor and outdoor seating that serves warm drinks and delicious cakes!
2 // The uniquely Oxford traditions

Torpids on the Thames.
Oxford has plenty of traditions that I would be unlikely to experience anywhere else. Punting on the Thames is a popular option in spring, as is playing croquet on your college's lawn (I'm excited to try both of these next term!). Last weekend I went to see Torpids, a special boat race in which the object is to "bump" the boat in front of you to move ahead. The race developed because the part of the Thames on which the race is held is too narrow for traditional boat racing. It was a very fun and strange experience that represented, to me, the many ways in which Oxford is unique.
1 // The opportunities

The first ball I attended.
However, if I had to choose the single thing I loved most about Oxford, it would be the incredible range of opportunities available to students. As a student, I've attended a wine tasting class, balls, college parties, formal dinners, lectures at the Oxford Union, and more. The city and university are so rich in what they have to offer that I know I'll never be able to try it all, no matter how long I stay here. All in all, I feel incredibly lucky to be spending a year in this beautiful small city. One of my parents was a fellow at Oxford, and as a result, this happens to be the city where I was born, though we moved away soon after. Maybe this year is the fates bringing me back; who knows what's in store next!
If you liked reading about Sara's Oxford experiences, follow along with her for even more on college, her life, and her travels.
Have you ever been to Oxford? If not, what's one thing you'd like to experience?