Packing for a Two Week Trip to Germany: Parent + Kid Edition

Packing for a Two Week Trip to Germany: Parent + Kid |

It's crunch time. You know, that time right before your trip when you're starting to realize that you're leaving in just a few days and your to-do list is still crazy long and the plane will be leaving whether you get yourself together or not.

I'm smack dab in the middle of it.

I'm planning on sticking pretty closely to what I packed for our time in the UK. I'm going the route of just a carry-on again, so I'm working on

packing for two weeks in just a carry-on case


It's going to be cold while we're there, as we're going to be traveling through the Alps and into Austria. That means lots of layers, a puffy vest or two, and my trusty

Columbia 3-in-1 jacket


Packing for a Two Week Trip to Germany: Parent + Kid |

My final packing list will look something like this:

4 thin sweaters

1 sweatshirt

4 turtlenecks

Plaid flannel shirt

1 pair

insulated tights

1 pair regular tights

2 pairs skinny jeans

2 pair jeggings

1 wool skirt

Black flats

Grey boots

3-in-1 jacket

Orange puffy vest



Travel Scarf

 (don't forget to enter to win one of your own!)



Camera + charger

Phone + charger

Travel blanket

Another wrench in my packing right now is that it's still 80 degrees here in Charleston, so all of our winter stuff is shoved in the back of the closet. I've had to go through, see what still fits, what needs to be replaced, and what needs to be washed. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to get on the plane in Charleston in warm weather clothing and get off the plane in Germany in winter weather clothing. Fun times!

Packing for a Two Week Trip to Germany: Parent + Kid |

We made a last minute decision to take Britton with us on the trip, so there's that added level of stuff to organize and pack. She's completely delighted and keeps telling us, "Going to Germ-er-ny. Going on big plane in sky. Zoom. Go see castles!" which pretty much sums up the trip.

While she's getting excited about the plane ride, I'm slowly figuring out how we're going to fit all of her stuff into her little Frozen suitcase.

Packing for a Two Week Trip to Germany: Parent + Kid |

I'm very much a minimalist when it comes to packing, and I'm doing my ever-loving best to apply those same techniques to Britton's stuff, too. The entire process is just so much harder when I know I have to pack extra clothes since she tends to use herself as an extra napkin at most meals.

Packing for a Two Week Trip to Germany: Parent + Kid |

Her packing list:

Wool coat



5 sweaters/sweatshirts

2 pairs jeans

4 pairs leggings

2 skirts

3 pairs of tights

Brown mary janes

Black boots

3 pajama sleepers


Sleeping cot

Sippy cup

One of her small blankets

Her First Class Kid travel pillow

One stuffed animal

Basic first aid stuff: band-aids, toddler Tylenol, and Neosporin

For the first time in a very long time, I'm checking a bag at the airport. Since Britton doesn't do well in full sized beds yet (i.e. she will kick whoever's sleeping next to her all night long), we decided to get her

a little cot of her own

. This is the perfect solution, but it requires us to check the carrying bag.

Our backpacks for the airplane will have:

Extra headphones for Britton

Books for Britton

Coloring book + markers/crayons

My tablet with e-books

My travel journal/ notebook

For parents who've traveled internationally with little ones, tell me your best tips! I will be traveling with my parents and sister, so I'll have extra hands to help with all of the stuff. I've never taken Britton, who is a very enthusiastic and inquisitive kid, on an airplane before: what do you recommend that I take to keep her happy on a trans-Atlantic flight?

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