Cirque du Soleil OVO Review: Whimsical Fun for the Family
Cirque du Soleil Ovo is a magical, whimsical show perfect for the entire family.
In the review below, I’m sharing everything you need to know before you experience this inspiring performance.
Cirque du Soleil is known the world over for its inventive shows that combine acrobatics, gymnastics, theatre, and art, and Ovo lives up to that legacy.
With quirky costuming, fun sets, and non-stop energy, the Ovo show is accessible enough for small kids while still being awe-inspiring, and even a bit thought-provoking for adults.
I had the opportunity to attend Cirque du Soleil Ovo with my parents and preschooler, and we all came away delighted with the performance—and looking forward to the next experience with Cirque du Soleil!
The egg (or “ovo" in Portuguese) makes its first appearance in the Cirque du Soleil show
I was provided 2 discounted tickets for the purposes of reviewing this show. I then purchased an additional 2 tickets at full price.
What is Cirque du Soleil?
It literally means, "Circus of the Sun" in French, but it's not the type of circus that you're envisioning. There aren't any performing animals here, no three rings as in the circuses of yesterday, and no ringmaster with a big top hat.
Instead, Cirque du Soleil performances are all about the visual: the gorgeous costumes, the did-that-just-happen acrobatics, and mind-blowing stunts by some of the most flexible performers you've ever seen.
The company has humble beginnings: it was a part of Canada's 450th anniversary of its discovery by Jacques Cartier.
The founder, Guy Laliberté, had an extensive background in performance, and convinced the anniversary board that a show with stilt walkers, dancers, and aerial acrobats was just what the celebration needed.
Now, there are 22 different Cirque du Soleil shows, 10 of which are on tour, and 7 of which are permanently in Las Vegas.
In any given show, the acrobatics and performances are accompanied by live singing and instrumentation, which adds another level of showmanship to the experience.
Nothing is phoned in during these shows: it's all live, breathtaking, and almost surreal.
As the world's largest theatrical producer, Cirque du Soleil has the reach to try new things and break through boundaries of typical theatre, and it definitely delivers.
The company currently employs 4,000 people, including 1,500 artists from all over the globe.
What should your family expect at Cirque du Soleil? Always the unexpected!
What is Cirque du Soleil Ovo about?
The Ovo show (often stylized as OVO) is essentially about Cirque du Soleil insects.
Yes, really!
Even if you have no interest in those hopping, bouncing, working little creatures, you'll like these.
From juggling ants to the most lithe dragonfly you've ever seen, the Cirque du Soleil insects are mesmerizing.
The show begins with a little audience interaction, as selected bugs and beekeepers wander the floor and first tier, checking for friends in people's hair and chattering animatedly with one another about their findings.
“Ovo” means egg in Portuguese, and that’s exactly what helps unite the entire performance: you’ll notice that there’s a huge egg that features prominently in all 3 acts.
On the surface, the egg is there as a prop, but it also symbolizes fragility and our need as a community to take care of the next generation.
At the start of the performance, that giant egg watches from the main stage. Then, suddenly, the grasshoppers hop onto these massive stretchy poles, and Ovo is off with a bounding start!
There are essentially three elements to the Cirque du Soleil Ovo performance:
the incredible acrobatic performances,
the 2 narrative sections, one about the unending duel between the leader of the bugs and a blue newcomer, and another about the blue insect’s relentless wooing of the beautiful ladybug, and
the mystery surrounding the massive egg that continually appears and reappears on stage.
I was stunned that these artists could juggle with their feet, bounce with incredible accuracy off of 30 foot tall walls onto a small trampoline, and ride a unicycle upside down on a slack line, all while making the process look effortless.
The performers make their intricate, difficult, and very dangerous stunts look easy.
Throughout the Ovo show, I couldn't believe how much fun the artists acted like they were having as they flipped, rolled, balanced, jumped, and tossed themselves around the stage.
Is Cirque du Soleil Ovo Kid-Friendly?
Yes, Cirque du Soleil is very kid-friendly! It is one of the best family shows that you could see that truly will appeal to everyone.
If you've ever been to Walt Disney World, the colors of the performance and the costuming were on par with what you'd see at "Finding Nemo: the Musical" or "Festival of the Lion King."
Even if kids are too little to follow the narrative, they will be mesmerized by the incredible acrobatics and intricate costuming.
Note that really small kids (under 4) and kids who are sensitive to loud noises or flashing might get scared in a few places. Overall, though, it’s brighter and more engaging than taking your kids to a movie, so if they can sit through a full movie, they will be fine here.
There were plenty of Cirque due Soleil families at the performance I attended, many with elementary aged children.
I brought along my child, who was about 4 at the time, and she sat entranced throughout the entire show, only breaking her attention to point out a particularly great costume and amazing stunt.
The Cirque du Soleil Ovo full show length is 2.5 hours. There’s 2 hours of performance time divided by a 30 minute intermission.
I think that if your child does well at the movie theatre without fidgeting too much, the length of Ovo won't be troublesome, and you could take him or her to this otherwise very family friendly performance.
What else should I know before booking Cirque du Soleil Ovo tickets?
The Ovo tour is filled with surprises from the very start.
The audience quickly learns that the entire narrative section is told through a sort of bug gibberish.
If the Minions had eaten leafy greens and had wings instead of their penchant for bananas, they might have sounded like this.
If this aspect of the performance gives you pause, don't worry: you can easily follow what's going on thanks to the comic timing and persuasive body language of the actors.
Where should I sit for Cirque du Soleil Ovo?
The best place to sit during Ovo performances would be mid-level in the stadium.
This will get you close enough to the acts on the stage while allowing you to see the aerial acrobatics that are also a part of the show.
Really, though, you can't go wrong anywhere in the venue, as the show is designed to be performed on the full range of sight lines.
The stage is large and it is nearly a complete circle. (There’s a small walkway at the back of the circle.)
Otherwise, it’s essentially a theatre in the round with seating on all sides but the very back.
These types of theatre set-ups are created to make less of a divide between the audience and the performers, so you feel almost as if you’re part of the show.
There is a stage front, but it doesn't matter if you're sitting front and center.
Because of the way that the semi-theatre-in-the-round is set up, there is a semi-defined front and back to the performances.
However, there's typically so much activity and movement in each of the acts that you won't miss out if you're sitting on the sides, as the performers use all parts of the stage and floor to tell the story of Ovo.
Is Cirque du Soleil Ovo worth it?
Yes, the Ovo show is incredible and it’s worth every penny. More interactive than a movie, and more thought-provoking than binging something on Netflix, Cirque due Soleil is a great way to add more art to your life.
Plus, it is so accessible for all ages that you won’t even need to get a babysitter.
Since it is a traveling show, having Ovo come to your town is an excellent way to introduce your children to the fine arts without having to leave your hometown.
Plus, it’s fun, engaging, and an excellent way to spend the afternoon or evening.
Find information on Ovo ticket prices and upcoming venues here.
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